Iza C A Scherpbier, Mariëlle E Abrahamse, Samantha Bouwmeester, Robert G Belleman, Arne Popma, Ramón J L Lindauer. The Added Value of Parents Practicing in Virtual Reality: A Single-Case Experimental Design Illustrating Families using Innovative Methods in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, 2025.
A. Ashraf, R. G. Belleman and Z. Zhao, “Visualization Techniques and Tools for Developing Digital Twins of Ecosystems: State-of-the-Art and Selection,” 2023 IEEE Smart World Congress (SWC), Portsmouth, United Kingdom, 2023, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/SWC57546.2023.10448753.
Scherpbier, I.C.A., Abrahamse, M.E., Widdershoven, G.A.M. et al. The added value of virtual reality to parent–child interaction therapy: a qualitative study with parents and therapists. BMC Digit Health2, 19 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s44247-024-00079-8
Oline Ranum, Gomèr Otterspeer, Jari I. Andersen, Robert G. Belleman, and Floris Roelofsen. 2024. 3D-LEX v1.0 – 3D Lexicons for American Sign Language and Sign Language of the Netherlands. In Proceedings of the LREC-COLING 2024 11th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Evaluation of Sign Language Resources, pages 290–301, Torino, Italia. ELRA and ICCL.
Diederik Carpay, Data collection from a virtual reality exposure therapy app for children with selective mutism, Bachelor Informatica thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, January 2024.
E. Utens, C. Rodrigues Pereira, J. Ensink, M. Güldner, E. Wippo, K. Kan, M. de Jonge, J.S. Legerstee, R. Belleman, L. Stapersma, R. Lindauer, Virtual Reality Exposure (VRE) for treating selective mutism in schools, poster at European child and adolescent psychiatry (ESCAP), Copenhagen, June 2023.
Liza A. S. Roelofsen, Frederike Oetker, Miles van der Lely, Robert G. Belleman and Rick Quax, CitadelPolice: An Interactive Visualization Environment for Scenario Testing on Criminal Networks, EuroVis 2023 – Posters. https://doi.org/10.2312/evp.20231057
Master Theses
Jari Andersen, From Motion Capture to Animated Signs: A Comprehensive Five Step Pipeline for Sign Language Digitization and Synthesis, Master Software Engineering thesis, University of Amsterdam, November 2023.
Adeela Ashraf, Interactive Visualization and Collaboration in a Notebook-Based Virtual Research Environment, Master Computer Science thesis, Free University / University of Amsterdam, October 2023.
Duncan Bart, An extensive performance model for remotely rendered scientific visualizations in XR, Master Computer Science thesis, Free University / University of Amsterdam, August 2023.
Tjerko Kieft, Improving Interactive Lung Deformation For Oncological Procedure Planning, Master Computational Science thesis, University of Amsterdam, July 2023.
Suyu Ren, A Web-based Fetal Ultrasound Simulator as An Educational Aid for Sonographer Training (an investigation on web-based fetal ultrasound simulator and the proposed interaction method), Master Information Studies thesis, August 2023.
Liza Roelofsen, CrimeSeen: An Interactive Visualization Environment for Scenario Testing on Criminal Cocaine Networks, Master Computational Science thesis, University of Amsterdam, July 2023.
Terry W. Haire, Personalized avatars for mind-mindedness therapy in Virtual Reality, Bachelor Informatica thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, April 2023.
Catalina Ramírez-Portilla, Inge M. Bieger, Robert G. Belleman, Thomas Wilke, Jean-François Flot, Andrew H. Baird, Saki Harii, Frederic Sinniger, and Jaap A. Kaandorp, Quantitative three-dimensional morphological analysis supports species discrimination in complex-shaped and taxonomically challenging corals. Frontiers in Marine Science 9:955582 (2022). https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.955582
Iza C.A. Scherpbier, Mariëlle E. Abrahamse, Robert G. Belleman, Arne Popma, Ramón J.L. Lindauer, Implementation of Virtual Reality to Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for Enhancement of Positive Parenting Skills: Study Protocol for Single-Case Experimental Design With Multiple Baselines. JMIR Res Protoc 2022;11(5):e34120 URL: https://www.researchprotocols.org/2022/5/e34120 DOI: 10.2196/34120
Quinzia Palazzo, Marco Stagioni, Steven Raaijmakers, Robert G. Belleman, Fiorella Prada, Jörg U. Hammel, Simona Fermani, Jaap Kaandorp, Stefano Goffredo and Giuseppe Falini, Multiscale analysis on otolith structural features reveals differences in ontogenesis and sex in Merluccius merluccius in the western Adriatic Sea, Royal Society open science9: 211943.211943, 2022. http://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.211943
Steyn Pietersz, An intuitive interaction method for a web-based atlas of 3D fetal ultrasound images, Bachelor Informatica thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, June 2022.
Michelle Schrijnemaekers, A web-based 3D visualisation of cardiac ultrasound volumes and segmented heart models, Bachelor Informatica thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, January 2022.
Alper Tuzcu, Interactive lung deformation for oncological procedure planning, Bachelor Informatica thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, June 2022.
Khalid Azougagh, Jesse van den Berge, Robert G. Belleman, A prototype for the treatment of children with selective mutism using interactive 360° VR, in Helin, K., Perret, J., & Arlati, S. (Eds.) (2021). EuroXR 2021: Proceedings of the Virtual EuroXR Conference. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. VTT Technology No. 395 https://doi.org/10.32040/2242-122X.2021.T395, pp. 37-43. This paper won the “Best Application Paper Award” at the EuroXR2021 Conference. 🏆
Iza C.A. Scherpbier, Mariëlle E. Abrahamse, Robert G. Belleman, A. Popma, R. Lindauer, Implementation of Virtual Reality to Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for Enhancement of Positive Parenting Skills: The Study Protocol, 03 August 2021, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-735802/v1
Kimberley Booij, Inim Schenk, Lena Tulner and Sylvana Wacanno, Study on correlation between EEG of frontal alpha asymmetry with fear rating of a VR-rollercoaster, Bachelor Psychobiology, Universiteit van Amsterdam, April 2021.
Saad el Morabit and Ruben van Erp, MeasureVR: Project Technovation, report for the honours project on “Immersive technology for design, prototyping and training”, Universiteit van Amsterdam, August 2021.
Inge Bieger, Quantitative characterization of Acropora corals using 3D morphometrics, Master Computational Science thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, November 2021.