The Visualisation Lab demonstrated a virtual walkthrough through LAB42 at the official go-ahead for its construction on Friday October 9th. LAB42 will be the future home of the Informatics Institute (IvI) and Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC).
Master thesis defense Bonaventura Pacileo
On August 26th, 2020, Master Information Studies (Data Science track) student Bonaventura Pacileo successfully defended his thesis titled “Quantifying user physical activity in a virtual environment: the case of SyncVR Medical”. This work was done in collaboration with Dutch company SyncVR Medical.
Congratulations Bonaventura!
The UvA Visualisation Lab has moved!
The Visualisation Lab is a facility for students and researchers that want to change ideas into insights. We have recently moved from office C3.154A to B1.24A/B.
The lab offers facilities like VR/AR headsets (HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Microsoft Hololens), back-projected screen, A.R.T. optical tracking system and a 3D printer.
We are still settling in, but if you’re curious what we’re doing in there: drop in!